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Authors & Cartographers: A-I Authors & Cartographers: J-Z Island Names
This page provides details about the items listed in each of the five columns in the table of Galápagos Island names.
Island A name given to an island (Isla or Islote precede Spanish name, unless otherwise noted)
Nameofficial name
{Name} former official name, now replaced by newer official name. “Archipiélago de Colón” now “Provincia de Galápagos, for example.
{Name}former unofficial name, now replaced by another name.
Name popular (local usage) name, but only if this differs from the official name, or there is no official name.
Some islands have two such names.
Also, provisional name reported by Snell et al
Nameobsolete or rarely-used name
Name †current English (scientific) name
Name (x)x indicates number of rocks or islands in group, often distinguished by Este, Norte, Oeste, Sur (or similar) suffixes.
Named After The person, place, or ship honored, or a translation of name in the Island column
“Name”English translation of a Spanish name
‘Nombre’Spanish translation, or transliteration, of an English name
 Name *named for proximity to a Punta of same name, but column identifies person
[comment]explanation of error in Island column
(comment)supplementary information
[1], [2] duplicate use of the same name for two islands
Named by The person who gave the island the name listed in the Island column
Name person who named the island
Name?person who may have named the island
Old Spanishobsolete Spanish, now superceded by name in Other Names column
Ecuador (x)One of the 13 official names taken from the 1892 decree, where (x) is the order in which the name is listed in the decree
Ecuador name has assumed official status through long usage, but the person who first applied the name is unknown
IOA name originates on an IOA chart, probably assigned by an IOA cartographer
Attribution The first known authority for the information in the previous column
Name dateauthor-date citation for the book which gives the information
Name dateengraver and date of the chart/map on which the name appears
IOA xxxxxInstituto Oceanográfico (Ecuador) chart; higher number is more detailed view
DMA or5xxDefense Mapping Agency (USA) chart
For 5xx, the full number is 22XCO 225xx
If (5xx), the island appears without a name, or with some variation in name
Cowley x/ypages in his manuscript/book (Ms. is Sloane 1050)
[x]After Snell at al citation, map code number or letter
Other Names Official name, or other names(s), given to this island
NameThe official name for the island listed in the first column
Name, NameOther names for the island whose official name is listed in the first column
{Name}former name. Current name given in Island column.
Image Links Illustration (painting or drawing) of the island.
Black & White aerial photo of island(s) from mapping missions.
Color photo by Heidi Snell of an island.
Details about the island name.
Display island in Google Earth 3D view. If not already installed, visit Google Earth website to download application.
NOTES ?Information is uncertain, but thought to be as indicated
??Information is incomplete or unknown

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